Exploring Datascript with a small application
In a previous post I have briefly described how using ClojureScript, Rum and Datascript helped me to explore a new way to prototype software starting by investigating how the user is going to interact with it.
People, instead, showed more interest on Datascript (go figure :) ) so in this post I am going to write a small application to explore how to use Datascript and Datalog without digging too much into the nitty gritty details of both because, I think, there are better resources out there. (See Links section.)
The application
Instead of writing the usual TODO app, I would like to provide a way for users to give feedback to my blog posts. Usually this is why you add a comment area to your website but it would be nice if readers could write their feedback for each section and not just the whole post.
For now I want to focus on the frontend part of it, to get a feel of how it could work in the hands of the users. If it proves to be usable I can think of a way to store the feedback to a durable storage, eventually add access control, eventually an admin interface etc etc.
To keep things super simple I will target the structure of my blog posts which is more or less like this:
<div class='body'> <div class='section' id='section-title'> <h2>Section title</h2> <p>Text<p/> </div> </div>
The div with class body is the main container; inside there are N section div elements, each with an id which is the slugified title of the section, an h2 element with the title of the section and finally the content.
At start the application will fetch all post's sections, will store their id and title in the database, and will attach a react component to them which will: - provide a "Write your feedback" button which will toggle the feedback area composed by - a form to write new comments - a list of old comments with buttons to reply to or to delete them
The sources of the application are available here.
I suggest to try the full application to get a feel of how it looks and works; to run it please follow the instructions in the README.md of the project.
Stack for the prototype
To build this application I have chosen to use my (currently) preferred prototyping stack which is composed by:
ClojureScript: the language
Figwheel.main: build system and live code update
Rum: React wrapper library
Datascript: in memory Datalog database
For me, this work pretty well and I feel quite productive with it; the main benefit is the fast feedback loop provided by figwheel, the easy of use of Rum, a powerful, easy to use, database where to store the application state and last but not least a REPL where I can quickly fiddle with every bit of the application.
Data model
For this simple application there are only two entities that we are going to store in the database: section and comment; lets define a data model that will hold the application state:
id: string, HTML id of the section
name: string, name/title of the section as extracted from the HTML
id: uuid
author: string, author of the comment
text: string, the content itself
created-at: string, ISO format of the time of the creation
parent: optional, ref to parent comment
The data model can be described with the following schema:
(def schema {:section/id {:db/unique :db.unique/identity} :comment/id {:db/unique :db.unique/identity} :comment/section {:db/valueType :db.type/ref :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one} :comment/parent {:db/valueType :db.type/ref :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one}})
As you may have noticed, not all attributes of the entities are in the schema, if fact it is sufficient to describe attributes with special meaning like ids or references.
Data layer
Usually I like to have a separate namespace for the data and presentation layers, even for applications as simple as this one. Lets have a look at the app.db namespace.
After defining the schema, the db gets created with the following form:
(def db (d/create-conn schema))
It is common to use defonce when defining app state to not reset it after a code reload but, in this case, I prefer to def because, when experimenting, it is quite useful to be able to change the schema and you may want to use the newest one in your database.
Another important tool for experimentation is to quickly populate the database with mock data; I find it very useful when it comes the time to work on the UI or when I need to test queries and transactions.
Here is an example query and the result when some data is in the database:
(defn all-sections [db] (d/q '[:find ?id ?name :where [?s :section/id ?id] [?s :section/name ?name] ] db)) (comment (all-sections @db) ;; => #{["overview" "Overview"] ["application-design" "Application design"]} )
Digging a bit more in to the db namespace, we can find an example of how using aggregates looks like in the section-comments-count function, here is the code:
(defn section-comments-count "If the query cannot find any entity that matches then it cannot reasonably count anything and it will return nil; with the use of `or` we can handle this case and return 0." [db section-id] (or (d/q '[:find (count ?c) . :in $ ?section-id :where [?s :section/id ?section-id] [?c :comment/section ?s] ] db section-id) 0))
As stated in the docstring, when there are no matching entities, the query will return nil, for this reason I use an or to return the correct value (zero).
Also, please note the dot after the call to count, this signals that we want a scalar value back instead of a set with one element containing the count.
Building the UI
After a quick tour of the data layer is now the turn of the UI part which can be found in the app.core namespace. This namespace make more sense if read bottom to top while the db namespace is better read top to bottom.
At start, the application looks for all section elements, stores the section id and name of the section in the detabase and attaches a feedback component to it. This can be seen it the following code fragment:
(defn init-app "fetches all elements with a section class, parse all sections, remove prevoius feedback related elements (useful when reloading script) and add them to the db, finally attach a `feedback` button to all sections' container div" [db] (let [sections (dom/getElementsByClass "section")] (doseq [section sections] (attach-feedback-component-to-section section db)) (start-listener!))) ;; start-listener will be addressed later
Each component will receive the database instance and will react to changes; this is possible because a database is basically an atom so using rum/reactive mixin works out of the box, here is the main component's code:
(rum/defc feedback-component < rum/reactive "feedback area is composed by an input text for the author, a textarea for the message and a div containing all previous messages for the current section identified by `section-id`" [section-id db] (let [db (rum/react db) ;; <- the component will react to changes of the db area-id (str "feedback-area-" section-id) comments (sorted (db/section-comments db section-id)) comment-count (db/section-comments-count db section-id)] ;; view code omitted for brevity ))
The following binding does most of the magic:
db (rum/react db)
Simplifying, it subscribes to the db atom and derefs it, like we would do with @db or (deref db); a this point it will be possible to use the returned reference in queries like:
comments (sorted (db/section-comments db section-id))
Closing words
The rest of the application details are out of scope and it should be trivial to figure them out by reading the documentation of libraries used to build the application.
I hope that this quick tour of a simple application may have given you some pointers to start to work with Datascript and eventually Rum.
Links section
Mook, a novel approach to frontend state management with ClojureScript and React : This great article is not Datalog specific but provides a good motivation to use Datascript plus some more interesting bits of information